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March 21, 2011

Current Cargo Situation in Japan

As has been reported by numerous global news organizations, a massive earthquake struck off the coast of Northeastern Japan on March 11, 2011 creating a tsunami and causing extensive damage to the country.

Air Freight Transportation and Booking Status
Most flights to and from Tokyo's Haneda and Narita airports appear to be operating somewhat normally, though some flight cancellations, delays and diversions continue to occur. Flights into and out of Osaka, Japan appear to be operational with no major issues.

Indications from the airlines show that some freight is moving on flights to/from/through Tokyo, however challenges are beginning to emerge for cargo destined for Narita, due at least in part to the import warehouses being at full capacity as local infrastructure is having difficulty facilitating the pick-up of freight from the airlines.

Ocean Transportation/Ocean Consolidation Status
The Northern Ocean Ports remain closed due to serious damage from both the earthquake and ensuing tsunami.

The ports of Sendai, Ofunato, Hachinohe, Onahama, Kashima and Hitachinaka remain closed.

The ports of Tokyo, Yokohama, Shimizu, Nagoya, Osaka, Kobe, Moji and Hakata are open.

Deliveries and pickups may be impacted due to limited power and fuel. Due to power supply restrictions, power outages may also affect port, airport terminal and flight operations. As the situation is extremely fluid, it is recommended that customers check with their local Tons office prior to booking / tendering cargo or to find out the status of cargo currently in transit


CPSC Launches Consumer Product Safety Information Database

On March 11, 2011 the U. S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) went live with the database which allows consumers to submit Reports of harm and to search for safety information on specific products.

The database, mandated by the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008, requires the CPSC to review all reports and, when practicable, to transmit qualifying Reports to the manufacturer within five days. The manufacturer would then have ten business days to respond. If all requirements are met, the Report and the manufacturer's response would then be posted. started accepting Reports and business registrations during a soft launch which began January 24, 2011. Since that time approximately 1500 Reports have been filed and 1400 manufacturers have signed up.

CPSC notes that any Reports which lack required information or are proven inaccurate will not be posted. Reports that contain confidential information will have those details redacted.

The CPSC news release is available online at:

The website can be accessed at:


FDA Announces Public Meeting to Discuss FSMA

In a Federal Register notice published March 14, 2011 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced a public meeting intended to provide interested parties "an opportunity to discuss implementation of the import safety provisions of the recently enacted FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)."

Entitled "FDA Food Safety Modernization Act: Title III—A New Paradigm for Importers," the meeting will include an introductory presentation by FDA but according to the notice the primary purpose is to receive feedback from stakeholders. As such, those who wish to participate will have the opportunity to make oral presentations, join in break-out sessions on the provisions discussed, and submit written or electronic comments to the FDA.

The meeting is scheduled for March 29, 2011 at the FDA White Oak Campus in Maryland, but will also be broadcast live via webcast. FDA hopes to use the feedback received to help shape the development of the FSMA regulations.

The Federal Register notice, including instructions on registering and providing comments, is available at:



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