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October 18, 2012

U.S.-Panama FTA to Possibly Become Effective in November

On October 4, 2012, the Journal of Commerce (JOC) issued a article announcing that the U.S.-Panama Free Trade Agreement (FTA) will likely come into force in November, once the final steps are concluded including obtaining the signature of President Ricardo Martinelli.

The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) explains on their website that "the United States and Panama signed a trade promotion agreement, sometimes called a Free Trade Agreement (FTA), on June 28, 2007. Panama approved the TPA on July 11, 2007. The TPA was signed into law in the United States on October 21, 2011."

According to the USTR, the U.S.-Panama FTA focuses on the following:
- The liberalization of trade in goods and services, including financial services
- Administration and trade facilitation
- Technical barriers to trade
- Investment, government procurement, electronic commerce, among other

Immediately after the FTA becomes effective, 86 percent of U.S. exports to Panama will become duty free. Expeditors will publish more information as it becomes available.

The JOC article is available online at:


CBP Announces Final Rule on U.S.-Peru Trade Agreement

On a Federal Register notice to be published on October 18, 2012, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) announced the adaptation as a final rule of the interim regulations for the U.S.-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement (PTPA), which were published on the Federal Register on November 3, 2011 to implement the tariff treatment and other customs-related provisions of the agreement.

The final ruling explains that "In order to provide transparency and facilitate their use, the majority of the PTPA implementing regulations set forth in that interim rule and adopted as final in this document have been included within Subpart Q in Part 10 of the CBP regulations (19 CFR Part 10). However, in those cases in which PTPA implementation is more appropriate in the context of an existing regulatory provision, the PTPA regulatory text has been incorporated in an existing Part within the CBP regulations."

The interim regulations published last year list the following as objectives of the PTPA:
- Establishing clear and mutually advantageous rules governing trade between the Parties
- Ensuring a predictable legal and commercial framework for business and investment
- Strengthening the bonds of cooperation between the Parties and promoting regional economic integration
- Promoting broad-based economic development in order to reduce poverty and generate opportunities for sustainable economic alternatives to drug-crop production
- Creating new employment opportunities and improving labor conditions and living standards in the Parties

The rule will become effective thirty days from the day the notice is published on the Federal Register.

The final rule notice is available online at:

The interim rule notice can be accessed at:

CBP Publishes Fact Sheet on Deployed ACE Capabilities

On September, 2012, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) published a Fact Sheet on their website outlining the capabilities available on the new Automated Commercial Environment (ACE), which have been deployed as part of the trade transformation initiative to modernize the current business process. The purpose of ACE is to provide support to CBP, Participating Government Agencies (PGAs), and the trade community.

In the document, CBP explains that "ACE is the backbone for the International Trade Data System (ITDS), and will ultimately become the single window for all trade and government agencies involved in importing and exporting."

The ACE elements currently deployed, as mentioned on the Fact Sheet, include:
- The ACE Secure Data Portal: Provides access to reports, Periodic Monthly Statements, and provides a method to respond to CBP Forms 28, 29 and 4647 for entry summaries in ACE and the legacy system, the Automated Commercial System (ACS), among other features
- ITDS Initiatives: Two currently in place, Interoperability Web Services and the Document Image System
- Simplified Entry (SE): The first phase of Cargo Release in ACE
- Entry Summary Filing: Currently available for consumption, informal, and anti-dumping/countervailing entries
- e-Manifest- Truck, Rail and Sea: The only approved EDI for transmitting required rail and sea manifest data for in-bond transactions to CBP

The ACE Fact Sheet is available online at:


ITA Issues Final Determination on AD-CV Duties For Chinese Solar Panels

On October 10, 2012, the International Trade Administration (ITA) issued a release announcing its final determination in the Antidumping and Countervailing Duty investigation of crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells, whether or not assembled into solar panels in the People's Republic of China.

According to the ITA, "Commerce determined that Chinese producers/exporters have sold solar cells in the United States at dumping margins ranging from 18.32 to 249.96 percent. Commerce also determined that Chinese producers/exporters have received counter-vailable subsidies of 14.78 to 15.97 percent."

Additionally, the ITA issued a Fact Sheet which outlines the final determination of the investigation. This fact sheet has information on how the AD/CVD cases are set out and what the final rates would be for each producer or exporter. The last step listed is the approval by the International Trade Commission (ITC) before the order can be finalized.

The ITA release is available at:

The fact sheet is available online at:


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